The tabs below show the key components of an LHS: strategy, complexity and technology. You can click each tab to further navigate the categories and subcategories of Tools in the toolkit, or search for a specific tool in the searchbar. You can find more information about the key LHS components and the subject terms used at Learning Healthcare Systems website, LHS components.
Tools to help you understand and manage strategic issues within your Learning Health System
Designing Organizational Structures
Managing Workforce Issues
Achieving Behavior Change
Involving Stakeholders
Understanding and changing organizational culture
Evaluating effectiveness
Tools to help you understand the sources of complexity and failure in your Learning Health System
The condition / illness that your Learning Health System addresses
The organization(s) adopting your Learning Health System
Tools for thinking about the complexity of your technology
The costs-benefits trade-off
Tools for understanding the wider context (legal, political, etc.) in which you Learning Health System will operate
How your Learning Health System may have to adapt over time
Understanding the patients, carers, staff and others who use your Learning Health System
IT infrastructure and off-the-shelf platforms
Putting Knowledge into Practice
Tools for making knowledge computable
Tools for integrating knowledge in decision making
Generating Knowledge from Data
Using Artificial Intelligence for Data Analysis
Qualitative Analysis methods
Methods when random sampling is not feasible
Participant/ Sample Randomization methods
Using Case descriptions
Restructuring and visualizing data for sense-making
Generating Data from Practice
Tools for informing the data capture process
Data Quality and Provenance Tools
Data Storage and Access Tools
Information Governance Tools
Tools for achieving interoperability