This case study describes the co-development and piloting of the Neotree system, which uses an Android-based application in Bangladesh, Malawi, and Zimbabwe to support healthcare professionals and patients and provide insights into population health trends in newborn healthcare quality improvement.
This case study introduces a new framework that combines the High-reliability Health Care and Learning Health Systems frameworks, describing several organizational efforts that utilized this framework at UC San Diego.
This tool will benefit those wanting to develop or explore the concept of Learning Communities: a group of peers who come together in a co-designed space to share their judgments and uncertainties about their practice and share ideas or experiences to improve collectively. This approach is rooted…
This tool presents an architectural framework(a high-level system model)grounded in the LHS literature. Applying this framework may help guide the development, implementation, and improvement of LHSs.
This tool is a white paper that addresses complexity science – basic concepts, its application, and its accomplishments in healthcare. The authors of the paper seek to dissect complexity science, its misconceptions and practical uses in healthcare.
This article is a systematic review of targeted literature that seeks to explore which implementation factors are associated with improving the quality and safety of care for patients.
This tool is an assessment tool to better understand the maturity of a learning network. This tool provides a framework to help those who want to develop Learning Health Networks plan and develop these over time.
This tool is a citation analysis and systematic review that describes the Knowledge to Action (KTA) Framework and explores how it has been used in practice. The KTA framework was developed to help systematically move knowledge into action.
The Cynefin framework is a sense-making tool that can help explicate the perceived complexity of a wide range of issues, including LHS. It is especially useful in terms of allowing shared understandings to emerge through collective sense-making.