
This case study describes the Better Care programme (UK). Better Care aims to improve healthcare for patients by equipping clinicians and patients with optimal data-based information to make decisions about their care.
This tool is a guide to using the Theoretical Domains Framework of behavior change to assess implementation problems and support intervention design.
This tool presents the PARiHS (Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services) framework as a way to implement research into practice. It examines interactions between three key elements for knowledge translation: evidence, context, and facilitation.
This tool presents a repository of validated person-centered measures that evaluate and monitor physical, mental and social health in adults and children, including those living with chronic conditions.
This is a case study describing the experience of the James M. Anderson Center for Health Systems Excellence as an LHS that develops and maintains multisite, practice-based clinical networks that use data for research and improvement.
Many current consent models do not support the agility and transparency required for the secondary use of health data within LHSs. This tool explores the acceptability of the meta-consent model for secondary use of health data for research purposes.
This case study describes the degree to which a large general practice operates within an LHS framework and explores staff acceptability towards the LHS model.
This tool provides readers with suggestions to better integrate patient, caregiver, and community involvement into learning health systems. It offers questions and recommendations to determine if and how health systems actively include patients, caregivers, and communities in their LHS.
This tool defines and describes organizational readiness for change (ORC), including the conditions that promote ORC and the outcomes expected to result from it.
This case study describes the Alliance for Healthier Communities’ journey to a learning health system in primary care. The case study provides useful examples from organizational culture, data and analytics, people and partnerships, and other areas.