Sarah Gilman
This tool is a web-article that discusses the successful use of tech-supported remote monitoring for COVID-19 throughout the NHS.
This case study describes the NHS’s Children and Young People’s Health Partnership.
This case study describes Geisinger Health System; an integrated health system in Pennsylvania, USA.
This case study describes the work of ImproveCareNow a collaborative community that aims to improve improve outcomes, healthcare, and costs for children and teens with Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis, using an LHS approach.
This tool is a report that describes the work of a group of regional interagency information-sharing initiatives across England, based on the Learning Health System concept.
This tool describes the work of an international community led by the Department of Learning Health Sciences at the University of Michigan.
This tool is an evidence-based, theory-informed framework, consisting of seven domains to help predict and evaluate the complexity and potential success of technology-supported programs and innovations.
The NASSS-CAT tools can be applied to LHS components as they are being designed, implemented, and evaluated. The NASSS-CAT tools can be accessed through the Interdisciplinary Research in Health Sciences (IRIHS) group at Oxford University.
This tool is an LHS-focused journal helpful to those who would like to learn and remain up to date on current LHS research.
This systematic review explores LHS data hubs or models that use data to deliver healthcare improvement and impact, with the goal of learning about the reported impact of LHS’s on the process, delivery or outcomes of healthcare.